
Showing posts from 2011

Planetary Alarm Conference 1971

Los Angeles 1971, Alan Watts was among important people, scientists, etc ... he got back from there and recorded this video (above). They were calling a congress of the best mind in the World to do a " Planetary Alarm Conference " and the message was (and still is) "the World situation is a mess" (nuclear waste, overpopulation, lack of food, destroying the biosphere ...) and after a while they figured they can't do shit! Because of our human condition, we're not fit to solve any of the World problem we generated. This was 40 years ago, have a good laugh!



I love cats!

Another Youtube marketing " coup " : This time a young attractive woman called Debbie (looking very much like Jenna Fischer little sister) pretends to post a video for eHarmony (the dating site) and ... after she confesses that she loves cats, things get a little weird.. See for yourself the original video by hartmanncara : Well done : 11 millions views (and counting) - and apparently the whole purpose of that video is to sell T-shirt and possibly a career in Hollywood , why not ?! Now it's getting better because this video collides with another internet meme called " Nyan cat! " and there goes the songs : But don't be fooled, it's all fake ! Although I was  sincerely attracted to her ... I mean you know ... I too got emotional when I think about cats. Especially because they're so cute, and how their ears and whiskers ... Ah! darn youtube, it's the last time I trust you!

New York Nights

Imagine you're a rock star - plenty of money, going from popular places to popular places, having girls fan waving at you ... being able to engage conversations with anyone, inviting them to your club, to a concert, to your place... what you learn in New York Nights is that it doesn't happened overnight - it's a long preparation work, lots of sacrifices and efforts ... but in the end ... if you make it - life is pretty fun. You can enter a concert hall with Lynn, and kiss Charlotte while Lynn is having a drink, and then invite Kelly to your favorites club and dance with her on the platform while Lynn is coming back from the concert searching for you, and you surprise her with a big kiss on the mouth, 2 meters away from Kelly - then you can invite Kelly to a brunch at your coffee place and then invite her home and spend the night with her. That's the kind of life you can have in New York Nights the game by . But who would be the fool to j...

what's next?

2011 is a tough year, how is 2011 treating you guys so far ? ... and on another topic remember to complete that sentence " Before I die I want to ... "