I love cats!

Another Youtube marketing " coup " : This time a young attractive woman called Debbie (looking very much like Jenna Fischer little sister) pretends to post a video for eHarmony (the dating site) and ... after she confesses that she loves cats, things get a little weird.. See for yourself the original video by hartmanncara : Well done : 11 millions views (and counting) - and apparently the whole purpose of that video is to sell T-shirt and possibly a career in Hollywood , why not ?! Now it's getting better because this video collides with another internet meme called " Nyan cat! " and there goes the songs : But don't be fooled, it's all fake ! Although I was sincerely attracted to her ... I mean you know ... I too got emotional when I think about cats. Especially because they're so cute, and how their ears and whiskers ... Ah! darn youtube, it's the last time I trust you!