United Airlines is winning

The fact United Airlines is about to outsource 630 gate agent jobs at 12 airports to companies paying near-poverty level wages. Employees who have been with the company for years, earning middle-class wages of $50,000 a year, will be replaced by out-sourced people paid between $9.50 and $12 per hour. United says it must do this to cut costs and raise its profits relative to other airlines. But United CEO Jeff Smisek gave himself $8.1 million this year. Well, coincidentally $6.1 million is about as much as the pay of those 630 employees. why is it borderline? The problem isn’t that typical workers are paid more than they’re “worth” in the market. It’s that they have no bargaining power , while too many CEOs and other top executives have the power to pay themselves almost whatever they want. Just another evidence that some companies are trying to win a race to the bottom of the pit, a race where nobody wins, that inevitably lead to a system collapse . This isn'...