Fair lady: Inna Shevchenko

Inna Shevchenko about 10 years ago, explaining why showing nudity works
it is a really pushing the public into his own contradiction
the public is thirsty for scandal, for outrage and yet pretends to have moral high standard

That public hearing a message of outrage against oppressive government, will pretend to ignore it.
But when the same message is given by a Femen showing her breasts in protest, then it becomes a different thing, same message ... but with a twist ... it is scandalous

Soon the medias are sharing the news, this is suddenly good content, and it spread like wildfire, then yes the way the message is delivered is sometime counter productive, or maybe some would even say it is detrimental to the idea expressed ; but IT WORKS!

Then once the Femen got that consistent feedback, that they got the media's attention, that for once they were heard, they did it again.

10 years later, Inna is still in France, got a baby, works for French journal (Charlie-Hebdo) and get relatively frequently invited for interviews, she speaks good French, she is smart, and she is not showing her breasts anymore ; which proves once and for all that the message has come across.

When a messenger is showing the public where to look, some people listen to the message, some prefer to look at the messenger, especially if this messenger is good looking.


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