Silenced Voices

Julian Assange (founder of WikiLeaks) released classified documents in 2010, including sensitive U.S. military and diplomatic information. He faced charges of conspiracy and espionage for his role in obtaining and disseminating the documents.
Edward Snowden, (former NSA contractor) leaked classified information in 2013, exposing global surveillance programs. Snowden revealed widespread data collection by intelligence agencies, leading to charges of espionage and theft of government property. 

As of today in 2024, both Assange and Snowden are considered whistle blowers by some but face legal consequences for their actions, igniting debates on government transparency and individual rights.

In a sane democratic World, they should be free!

Their efforts to expose government surveillance and misconduct was brave and should be encouraged.  But instead they have also faced legal consequences for their actions, with the U.S. government seeking their extradition to face trial on criminal charges. 

These cases have sparked debates about government transparency, freedom of the press, national security, and the balance between individual rights and state interests.

Without whistle blowers, government are becoming bullies!


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