2024 Conflicts

Ukraine has been at war for over 2 years now, and following the October 7th atrocities, Israel is demolishing Gaza. Escalation of tensions and demolition of infrastructure have exacerbated an already volatile situation. Deeply rooted in historical, religious, and territorial disputes, this conflict is marked by continued violence and destruction, which can further hardened hostility and deepen divisions, making the prospects for reconciliation more difficult.

And now, Iran has made a move attacking Israel. 

Iran, which has experienced significant political, social, and economic challenges in the last 100 years.

From 1921 to 1978, Iran underwent a period of modernization. Iran's infrastructure was developed, and efforts were made to westernize the country. Until the CIA (and MI6) pushed out the democratically elected Prime Minister, leading to the reinstatement of the Shah's power.

The Shah's political repression and economic inequality soon led to the Iranian Revolution, which resulted in a brutal transition from a monarchy to an Islamic Republic.

Following the Iran-Iraq War, Iran focused on rebuilding its economy and society. The political landscape saw various shifts. Much like North Korea, Iran's nuclear program has been a contentious issue in international relations, causing tensions with the United States and other Western countries and resulting in economic embargoes and sanctions.

That's where we are so far, we crazy humans!


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