My Fair lady: Jenny Poussin

Everyone knows the classic story of 'My Fair lady' ; this has turned into a mythical tale of the stone found in the garbage can and after some polish turns into a diamond.

Well this story happens over and over, Eliza Doolittle story I mean.

The true story of Jenny Poussin  

For example is quite following that pattern. 

Jenny was a French teacher, with a advantageous physique, and got noticed by a Mr. Higgins equivalent, she then moved to Canada, and became a big star (or maybe not so big) you could find her everywhere during the Internet (pre-Instagram fame) it was not difficult to get a picture of her in a Barbarian outfit, or in a green beret revealing uniform, but mostly in bikinis...

Jenny had many appearance with production like 'ActionGirls (tm)'.

Then she disappeared, but not completely - as it turns out - her former boyfriend (which had plenty of photos, and material) was pretending to be her, and got busted around 2019 or so.

How Jenny young teacher, got rich and famous?

Because of many Mr. Higgins like in the movie 'My Fair Lady' ; and now she has returned to an anonymous life

good for her


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