George Carlin on global warming

 So, they're saying that global warming is real, right? And that it's caused by humans burning fossil fuels.

Well, I don't know about you, but I'm not too worried about it.

After all, the planet has been through a lot worse than this.

There was that time when the dinosaurs got wiped out. And that time when the ice age came and went. And that time when the oceans boiled away.

And yet, here we are. Still alive.

So I'm not too worried about global warming.

I mean, sure, it might get a little warmer. But it's not like we're all going to melt or anything.

We'll just have to adapt.

We'll move to cooler places. We'll wear less clothes. We'll drink more water.

We'll figure it out.

In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy the warmer weather.

I'm going to go swimming more often. I'm going to plant a garden. I'm going to take more walks in the park.

I'm going to enjoy the little things.

Because who knows? Maybe global warming is a good thing.

Maybe it's the planet's way of telling us to chill out.

To slow down. To appreciate the simple things.

To stop worrying about the future and start living in the present.

So that's my take on global warming.

I'm not too worried about it.

I'm just going to enjoy the ride."

(Pause for laughter)

"But hey, what do I know? I'm just a comedian. I'm not a scientist.

But I will say this: I think we should all do our part to reduce our carbon footprint.

We can drive less, recycle more, and use energy-efficient appliances.

We can also plant trees and support renewable energy sources.

Every little bit helps.

So let's all do our part to make the world a better place.

For ourselves. And for future generations."

(Pause for laughter)

"And that's my comedy bit about global warming. I hope you enjoyed it.

And remember, don't take anything I said too seriously. I'm just a comedian. I'm here to make you laugh."


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