George Carlin talking about Religion

"So, there's this guy named Jesus, right? And he's the son of God. And he comes down to Earth to save us from our sins. And he does this by dying on the cross. And then he comes back to life. And now he's in heaven. And he's watching over us.

And if we're good, we'll go to heaven when we die. And if we're bad, we'll go to hell.

But here's the thing: I don't understand this. Why does God need a son? Why can't he just save us himself? And why does he need to die? Why can't he just wave his magic wand and make everything better?

And then there's the whole heaven and hell thing. Why does God have to punish people who are bad? Why can't he just forgive them? And why does he have to send them to a place of eternal suffering?

I don't know, man. It all seems kind of messed up to me.

But hey, what do I know? I'm just a comedian. I'm not a theologian.

But I will say this: I'm glad I'm not the one who has to figure this stuff out. Because it's all a bunch of nonsense, if you ask me."

(Pause for laughter)

"But hey, if you believe in it, that's great. More power to you.

Just don't try to shove it down my throat, okay?

I'm good, thanks."

(Pause for laughter)

"I'll just keep my head down and try to be a good person. And if I end up in heaven or hell, well, that's just the way the cookie crumbles."

(Pause for laughter)

"So there you have it. That's my comedy bit about Christianity. I hope you enjoyed it.

And remember, don't take anything I said too seriously. I'm just a comedian. I'm here to make you laugh."


  1. that was not George Carlin, who wrote this?


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