Elon Musk lacks charisma

Elon Musk is both the good and bad aspects of capitalism rolled up into one. 

He has managed to consolidate a ridiculous amount of wealth, and pretends like his successes are his alone.

He would happily pay workers poor wages and do everything in his power to tighten his grasp on them.  If he could outsource all of his workforce and lobby the government to allow children to work at his factories he would do so without a second thought.

On the plus side he disrupts stagnant industries by creating better products/services than the incumbents. What he's done for space development, the automobile industry, and now the internet is spectacular. 

It's all things that any of the existing industry giants could have done, but didn't because they were busy making as much money for as little investment as possible.

Of course the fact that Elon is one of the better examples of a billionaire, and that any positive comments about him have to be prefaced with a very large asterisk, really go to show the failings of our existing system.

Sure he's managed to disrupt some industries, in accordance to capitalist principles, but he's only managed to do so thanks to already being rich. These industries dragged their feet on innovation as much as possible entirely because the barrier to entry was so high you'd have to be some crazy, egotistical, trust fund kid on a cocaine binge and good luck streak to even consider entering them.


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