Mentalist trick

Mentalism is more or less a subcategory of magic and, when performed by a stage magician, may also be referred to as mental magic. A Magician will usually have great hands and moves trick (prestidigitation) while a Mentalist will use mind trick, putting ideas, using subconscious signals, or simply psychologist knowledge.

Here is an example, ask a friend to play along.

Explain to your partner, that you will read their mind, and guess what they think, you will need paper and a pen, that is it.

There can be 3 or more questions, but let's make it simple and start with three.

- what is your favorite color?

- what is your favorite animal?

- do you prefer going to the beach, or hiking in the mountain?

Here is the trick, the two first question are very open, and may have a range of response up to 1000 of possibilities, while question 3 is just only has 2 options.

Now using assumptions, and making some eye contact, holding hands. chanting, or pretending to be in a transe state, the mentalist will fill the first paper, and ask you question 1

Then put the paper, in front of the partner, but upside down

smiling the mentalist will casually ask what was the response, just to be sure

then the mentalist will ask question 2

Then put the paper, in front of the partner, but upside down

smiling again the mentalist will casually ask what was the response, just to be sure and then will laugh

then the mentalist will ask question 3

Then put the paper, in front of the partner, but upside down, and somehow will put the last paper under the other paper (this has to be hidden from the partner, using a distraction).

Then the mentalist will ask you to read the papers, and this is going to be quite a surprise 

because either the 3 questions will be correct, or at least 2.

Why? what is the trick?

I'll tell you next time.


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