Are we the good guys?

This questions was not on anybody's radar back in the fifties, sixties, because during the cold War times, the World was easy, there were the good guys (the USA, defender of the World, always ready to help) and the bad guys (the Russian, Communist, sad, grey and ugly always preparing mischiefs)

But relatively recently a new subconscious interrogation is emerging, in the contemporary culture ; as if we could not really understand who is right, or who is in the wrong anymore, as if the illusion of good and evil was just covering a more hideous reality of who is the bully and the victim.

Maybe it started with the "Watchmen" or maybe it was "the Boys" series, or "Omniman"?

As the World is starting to question if their governments really have their best interests in mind, we are seeing more and more of this type of controversial superheroes..

Even in comedy as in the "Vindicator 2" mini-series from "Rick and Morty" Universe

There is no morality, the survivors are going to write history books, and tell the future generations, who was the good guys and the bad guys...

Or maybe there are no good guys, at all?


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